- Have a Club Welfare Officer who has undertaken the required training and is available to all involved with the club to listen to concerns and respond appropriately. Our Welfare Officer can be contacted on 07441 448 558 or via email [email protected]
- Ensure everyone delivering the coaching and teaching sessions or officiating at events are qualified to provide the best experiences for swimmers. New volunteers who are assisting the coaches, teachers or officials will be supervised at all times whist they complete the appropriate qualifications.
- Ensure all coaches, teachers, officials and club officers have undertaken the appropriate safeguarding training and DBS checks to ensure they understand their responsibilities and can respond appropriately in the event of a concern.
- Provide funding to our volunteers directly or in partnership with others to achieve those qualifications. This is what, in part, our membership fees cover.
- Comply fully with Swim England safeguarding requirements and work with them, our South West Regional team and Wiltshire County to ensure we are providing a safe and enjoyable environment.
- We have a number of policies and procedures that are reviewed by the Committee during bi-annual maintenance of our Swim Mark accreditation. These polices are available here.
- Provide, promote and ensure all Coaches, Teachers, Officials, Parents, Swimmers, Members and Volunteers sign up to their relevant Codes of Conduct.
- Work with our Pool operator to ensure that we have a safe environment for our swimmers.
- Work with our County, Regional and Swim England Welfare teams to respond to any concerns. How to raise a concern
We are committed to making our club and our sessions safe and enjoyable for all swimmers and their families. It is important to us that swimmers can achieve their goals whilst parents feel confident in those running the club and delivering the sessions.
- Support the club in all its efforts to provide a safe, positive and enjoyable experience for all swimmers.
- Supporting your child and being a positive role model for all our swimmers. If you are new to swimming or the club or have only a limited understanding of our sport please do speak to our coaches, teachers or club officers. They will be happy to spend time with you and share their knowledge of our sport.
- Make sure the coaches or teachers are aware of any relevant information about your child's health or other factors that might impact on their ability to get the best from their sessions. All information we hold is kept confidential and helps us ensure we maintain a safe environment.
- Be aware of and support the relevant Codes of Conduct.
- Speak to the coaches/teachers if you have any questions or concerns. Whilst their priority will always be on running the sessions they will find time to speak to you if asked. Our Club Officers are also available at sessions and will also find time to speak to you. If there is a safeguarding issue we also have an independent Club Welfare Officer who is available to you.
- Consider volunteering or supporting the club in another way, bringing your experience or be willing to learn new skills. We have a broad range of roles we need to fill to ensure we can continue to offer the best possible opportunities for our swimmers.
- Consider joining our masters squad and swim yourself.
- Be yourself and accepting of others - we're all different, lets celebrate this!
- Be respectful to others and take care of our equipment and the pools we use.
- Try your best, and encourage others to.
- Listen to your coach or teacher. Remember they want you to do your best.
- Let your coach know if you feel unwell before or during the session.
- Speak out if you feel worried or concerned. We have a Welfare Officer who is there to listen to you as well as the coaches and other adults in the club.
- Bring the correct kit and drinks to your sessions - ask a parent to help you with this.
- Remind an adult of your sessions or competitions, so you're on time. We do send everything out on emails but they may need to be reminded to check these
- Not to leave without telling your coach or teacher, whether this is at a session or competition
- Sign up to our Code of conduct
A full list of our policies and codes of conduct can be found under the Club Info/Club Documents section of this website
Working with others
Our club works with other organisations to provide the safe and positive experience and can support us in responding to a concern. Many of these also provide independent advice, information and support that you can access.